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Tobacco smoking prevention in adolescence

Recomendación en inglés

Tobacco smoking prevention in adolescence

José Galbe Sánchez-Ventura and PrevInfad group
Fecha de última actualización:

There is good quality of evidence and moderate to high grade of evidence on the effectivity of individual behavioral interventions for tobacco consumption (TC) cessation, in adults as well as in pregnant women.

There is no good quality evidence neither in favor nor against the recommendation of the individual intervention for TC in adolescents. Given its relevant implications on health, the development of early addiction to tobacco and the higher difficulty of TC cessation when started at an early age, the benefit of implementing advising or brief intervention seems higher than its risk, taking into account the preferences and values of the adolescents and their families as well as the available resources.

Motivational interviews have proven moderately effective. There is no high-quality evidence that correlates the implementation of screening in reduction or intensity of TC. Nevertheless, the intervention based on the transtheoretical model of change or method of the 5 As, is admitted as the most reasonable and commonly implemented.


PrevInfad recommendations

Recommendation Strength of recommendation (GRADE)
Ask and counsel on TC* in an opportunistic way to parents at least once Strong in favor. Is recommended
Ask and counsel to pregnant women in an opportunistic way and in pre-natal classes Strong in favor. Is recommended
Ask and counsel to adolescents in the primary care office about TC in an opportunistic way at least once§  

*TC: tobacco consumption
§Recommendation based on good clinical practice: practice recommended based on clinical experience and the panel consensus


Conflict of interests: The author declares not having any conflicts of interest regarding the topic of this document.

How to cite this article: Galbe Sánchez-Ventura J. Smoking prevention in adolescence. Recommendation. In Recomendaciones PrevInfad/PAPPS [online]. Updated May 2020. [consulted MM-DD-YYYY]. Available in http://previnfad.aepap.org/recomendacion-en/tabaco-enrec