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METHODS: We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and moderators of benefits and harms of available nonpharmacological and pharmacological treatments for children and adolescents with a confirmed diagnosis of a depressive disorder... Leer más


Ya está publicada en nuestra web un nuevo tema sobre el cribado de la depresión mayor en la infancia y la adolescencia. Se puede acceder a las recomendaciones y a la monografía desde la página principal de PrevInfad o desde los siguientes enlaces:

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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the use of a CBT-based intervention (COPE for Teens) is associated with improved outcomes on measures of depression and anxiety, and to understand the patient experience.

Erlich KJ, Li J, Dillon E, Li M, Becker DF. J Pediatr Health Care... Leer más


OBJECTIVE:  To examine the risk of attempted suicide among sexual minority adolescents, differentiating for each sexual minority group.

Giacomo E, Krausz M, Colmegna F et al. JAMA Pediatr. Published online October 8, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.2731.

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OBJECTIVE:  To update clinical practice guidelines to assist primary care (PC) clinicians in the management of adolescent depression. This part of the updated guidelines is used to address practice preparation, identification, assessment, and initial management of adolescent... Leer más


BACKGROUND: Prediction of suicidal behaviour is an aspirational goal for clinicians and policy makers; with patients classified as 'high risk' to be preferentially allocated treatment. Clinical usefulness requires an adequate positive predictive value (PPV). AimsTo identify... Leer más